Eastern Canada and Maine – Toronto

2013.9.27~28Compared with our other travel destinations, a trip to visit Eastern Canadian cities is definitely much less exotic. Our original plan was to go to Puerto Rico, but my in-laws preferred city tours. In the end, we had nice trip. Not only we spent some quality time with the family, but the fall color around Quebec and Maine was the best I had ever seen, and my father-in-law had an opportunity to show off his French speaking skills.

We had a hectic schedule for the first three days. We arrived at Toronto at 10pm on Oct. 27th. Without other customers, it took Hertz an hour to find a car for us, partly because they had to bring a car with an American plate for us as we’re gonna return the car at Boston. The cost was surprisingly cheap though. It’s almost midnight when we checked into our hotel, Westin Harbour Castle, but it’s still early in California time. We had some snacks at the restaurant on hotel’s first floor.

Midnight snacks in Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto
Midnight snacks at the Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto

The hotel is located on the waterfront of Lake Ontario. Although we booked city-view rooms, the one we had was at the corner – The city lights was vibrant seeing from one window, and we had a partial view of the lake from the other.

Toronto Downtown, from the Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto
Toronto Downtown, from the Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto
Toronto Downtown, from the Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto
Toronto lake side view at night, from the Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto

The second day morning, sunrise behind the cloud over Lake Ontario was quite dramatic. As usual, I had a morning walk around the hotel, mostly trying to find out how long it would take to walk to the CN tower. It’s the Saturday morning. Not many pedestrians on the street, but there were a lot of constructions going on under the highway overpass.

Sunrise over Lake Ontario, Toronto
Sunrise over Lake Ontario, Toronto
The boardwalk by Lake Ontario, Toronto
The boardwalk by Lake Ontario, Toronto
Harbour Square, Toronto
Harbour Square, Toronto

CN Tower

I bought a hot-dog on a food stand by the hotel on my way back. After a quick breakfast, we were heading to the CN tower. It’s Saturday, we were worried that the line could be long so we made it our first destination. It’s a 20-minute walk from the hotel. As we got there at 9:30am, there was no line at all. If we hadn’t reserved the tickets online, we could buy the tickets right away. Instead, because I never received the tickets they were supposed to mail to me after the reservation, we had to wait at the entrance for 10 minutes while they were getting our tickets somewhere in the office.

The security check was quite rigorous. As I passed through a security gate, the gate shot out air steams continuously from multiple directions – I don’t know what it’s used for. Like other attractions, right after passing the entrance, there is a photo spot that visitors are photographed against a wall featuring CN tower overlooking the city.

It only takes a minute to reach the LookOut level at a height of 346 meter. Half side of the floor is taken by the Horizons Restaurant. Through the glass window of the other half, the view of the west side of the city and Lake Ontario was fascinating, Unfortunately, we only had the clear view for less than 5 minutes before the cloud moved in. Standing on top of the cloud, we couldn’t see anything.

Overlook Toronto from CN tower
Overlook Toronto from CN tower

Going one level down, you can walk to the outside and around the tower at the Outdoor SkyTerrace, and have a 360 degree view of the city, but your sight will be cluttered by the wire fence. The most interesting feature of CN tower is the Glass Floor. With a view 342-meter straight down, even I knew it’s absolutely safe, my first several steps were very cautious.

Viewing through the Glass Floor, CN Tower, Toronto
Viewing through the Glass Floor, CN Tower, Toronto

City Hall

We took taxi to the city hall and walked through the square. The city hall was opened in 1965 to replace the old city hall next to it across the street. The architecture is impressive and futuristic, especially considering that it’s built 50 years ago,

Toronto City Hall
Toronto City Hall
The Old City Hall reflected on the glass exterior of Eaton Centre, Toronto
The Old City Hall reflected on the glass exterior of Eaton Centre, Toronto

Eaton Centre and Yonge Street

Next to the Old City Hall is Toronto’s most popular tourist attraction, Eaton Centre Shopping Mall. As one of the most successful stores of Eaton’s chain since its opening in 1977, Eaton Centre is so profitable that it’s said that it had been keeping Eaton’s business alive for 20 years until it went bankrupt in 1999. Eaton Centre retained its name and today, it’s still one of North America’s top shopping destinations.

Eaton Centre, Toronto
Eaton Centre, Toronto

We made a brief stop at Eaton Centre and walked back to our hotel along Yonge Street. Yonge Street is famed to be the longest street in the world. It’s southern end is mostly taken by bank and office buildings.

Island Ferry

What we planed to do next was to take the ferry to Toronto Islands. The ferry to the Centre Island runs every half an hour, while to Hanlan’s Point and Ward’s Island is once every an hour. The dock is right next to our hotel. We checked out of the hotel and asked the bell desk to store our bags. We planed to take the ferry at 1pm. Although there were already many people waiting before the door was opened, the boat is big enough to get everyone on board.

People get onto Toronto Island Ferry
People get onto Toronto Island Ferry

You should go to the second deck and stay at the very rear of the boat for the best view of the city when the ship is leaving for the island. Toronto’s skyline is one of the best!

Toronto skyline, from Centre Island Ferry
Toronto skyline, from Centre Island Ferry

It takes about 10 minutes for the ferry to get to the Centre Island. We spend only an hour on the island and walked through the park to the lake shore. Summer had passed. Not many people on the Manitou Beach.

Lake Ontario lakeshore, Toronto Island Park
Shores of Lake Ontario, Toronto Island Park
Toronto Island Park
Toronto Island Park

It’s said that Toronto has the best Chinese food outside of Eastern Asia. It could very much be true. We went to 辛香汇 at Thornhill. Definitely much better than Northern California. There were many new dishes that were recently introduced from China. We ordered a lot of food, there would be no Chinese food in the next several days.

We resupplied at T & T Supermarket (大统华) and it’s well over 4pm as we left Toronto. We’d drive 5 hours and stay overnight at Ottawa. Dark soon fell. We made a stop at Kingston, having a coffee and refreshing ourselves. My father-in-law played Chinese songs stored in his cell phone to keep us entertained for the last two hours of the trip. At almost 11pm, we checked into Sheraton Hotel at downtown Ottawa.


坦桑尼亚 – 恩戈罗恩戈罗火山



Overlook Lake Makat in Ngorongoro Crater from the north entrance
从火山口北面入口遥望火山口底部的大咸水湖(Lake Makat)
Drive down to the floor of Ngorongoro Crater


Zebras, Ngorongoro Crater
Lake Makat in Ngorongoro Crater
Lake Makat是季节性的盐湖,湖边有成群的火烈鸟
Buffaloes, Ngorongoro Crater
Hyenas, Ngorongoro Crater


Black Rhino, Ngorongoro Crater
Lions, Ngorongoro Crater


Panorama view of Ngorongoro Crater from the floor
Ngorongoro Crater's own weather
东边日头西边雨 – 恩戈罗恩戈罗火山的天气自成一体


Tanzania's Staple Food - Bananas, Mto wa Mbu
坦桑尼亚人的主食之一 – 香蕉,东非大裂谷脚下的Mto wa Mbu
Maasai's village, near Arusha
Maasai's market, near Arusha
Rainbow over North Tanzania plains, near Arusha





坦桑尼亚 – Ndutu湖和大迁徙

2012.12.30~31从塞伦盖蒂出发到Naabi山,道路笔直地向东南延伸。成群的角马和斑马在公路两侧,一眼往不到头 – 我们正处于塞伦盖蒂草原上动物大迁徙的中央。

每年大约有一百五十万只角马Wildebeests)在塞伦盖蒂草原上迁徙,行进的距离超过一千五百公里。跟随迁徙队伍的还有大量的草食动物,斑马、瞪羚gazelle)和高角羚impala)。 随雨水和草场因季节的变化,迁徙的路线大致有规可循。在年尾的时候,迁徙的动物大都聚集在塞伦盖蒂南部、Ndutu湖和恩戈罗恩戈罗火山保护区一带低矮的草场上。

Wildebeests in migration, Serengeti National Park
Grant's Gazelle, Serengeti National Park
Wildebeests in migration, Serengeti National Park
Mountain Zebras in migration, Serengeti National Park
山斑马Mountain Zebras),塞伦盖蒂国家公园
Wildebeests in migration, Serengeti National Park


Overlook Southern Serengeti and animals in migration from Naabi Hill


Storm is approaching Naabi Hill, Serengeti National Park


Mountain Zebra, Serengeti National Park


寻找我们的营地花了一点时间。Ang’ata Migration Camp位于草原和灌木间的高地上,营地的主人在介绍如果处理废物的时候说,“after you’ve done your business, we will take your business to the business center and they will be buried underground”,这真是一种幽默的方式来讲述有些难以启齿的事实。


Bateleur Eagle, Lake Ndutu
Bateleur Eagle,Ndutu湖
Black Kite, Lake Ndutu
Black Kite,Ndutu湖


Leopard, Kake Ndutu
Photographer's jeep in Lake Ndutu


Giraffe fight, Lake Ndutu


第二天早晨我们七点钟离开营地。Ang’ata Camp位于一片灌木林中央,我们在帐篷的附近看到过长颈鹿和大象。Justin说早晨的时候来过一只狮子,看起来动物们正向这个方向移动。

Ang'ata Migration Camp in sunrise, Lake Ndutu
日出下的Ang’ata Migration Camp,Ndutu湖
Migration, Lake Ndutu
大迁徙,Lake Ndutu湖


Migration, Near Lake Ndutu
Wildebeests in migration, Near Lake Ndutu
Hyenas, Near Lake Ndutu



坦桑尼亚 – 塞伦盖蒂国家公园


Endless grassland in south Serengeti, the entrance of Serengeti National Park


Cheetah, Serengeti National Park


Saddle-billed Stork, Serengeti National Park
鞍嘴鹳(Saddle-billed Stork),塞伦盖蒂国家公园
Grey-crowned Crane, Serengeti National Park
灰冕鹤(Grey-crowned Crane),塞伦盖蒂国家公园

我们在傍晚7点到达我们的宿营地,Ang’ata Camps。这个营地大概有八到十顶帐篷。位于中央的帐篷比较大,用来做饭厅,还有一个小图书馆。因为位于草原的中央,蚊虫较多,进出帐篷都要拉开关闭拉锁。和我们在塔兰吉雷马亚拉湖所住的豪华帐篷旅馆相比,这里的条件可差多了。不过塞伦盖蒂国家公园距离城市更远,能在如此广阔的大草原上有个舒适的睡觉的地方,应该庆幸才是。


Ang'ata Camps, Serengeti National Park
我们在塞伦盖蒂国家公园住的帐篷,Ang’ata Camps


Hartebeest, Serengeti National Park
Baboon troop, Serengeti National Park
Hippos in the pond, Serengeti National Park
河马水塘 – 河马虽然喜欢群居,但不是社会动物
Crocodile, Serengeti National Park



A leopard with her cubs, Serengeti National Park

从早上一直阴沉的天气开始下起零零星星的小雨。离开花豹所在的火山岩,我们继续走草原上找寻动物。很快我们在灌木丛中看到两只幼狮,一公一母。有趣的是,在灌木后面不远的树林里,不时有长颈鹿和羚羊出没,因为狮子们在它们的逃逸距离(flight zone)之外,这些草食动物一点儿没有警觉的样子。

Young lions with a giraffe in sight, Serengeti National Park
Lions, Serengeti National Park


Game drive in Serengeti National Park


Ang'ata Camps, Serengeti National Park
暴雨中的营地,Ang’ata Camps
Serengeti National Park
雨后的Seronera,Ang’ata Camps附近

直到下午5点,一刻不停地下了三个小时的大雨终于耗光了自己的力气。距天黑已经没有多久,我们也不想陷在泥泞的路上,所以Justin决定就到附近的Seronera看看。Seronera是塞伦盖蒂草原上一个小小的定居点,附近有几个旅馆和营地,还有一个野生动物保护的信息中心。信息中心依着草原中突起的火山石而建,被一圈形状如烛台的大仙人掌般的植物(Candelabra Tree)包围。这里有一个介绍塞伦盖蒂自然生态环境的展览。

Candelabra trees around Seronera Information Center, Serengeti National Park


A Hyrax eating leaves, Serengeti National Park

我们在周围稍微转了转,就返回了营地。Ang’ata Camps的晚餐比其他帐篷旅馆简单多了:一个汤,两到三个放在大盘子里的主菜,一般是鸡和蔬菜,然后是面包和米饭。

Buffaloes, Serengeti National Park
Ang’ata Camps营地附近的水牛

第三天早上我们就要离开Ang’ata Camps。和我们同住一个营地的还有一位来自中国的游客,聊了以后才知道,她是30年前在内地非常有名的电影,《火烧圆明园》和《垂帘听政》的主演之一,当然不是刘晓庆。让我们颇为惊讶的是,她的老公虽然是美国人,但是他们的两个儿子的中文却说的非常流利。

Sunrise over Serengeti National Park


Baboons, Serengeti National Park
Powerful jaw and sharp teeth, baboon, Serengeti National Park


Impala herd, Serengeti National Park


Hippo, Serengeti National Park


Lions, Serengeti National Park
Lions, Serengeti National Park


Serengeti National Park Map
Map of Serengeti National Park.

坦桑尼亚 – 奥杜瓦伊峡谷



从等在入口的车队走过去,我发现几乎所有的游览吉普都是Toyota Land Cruiser。据Justin解释是因为Land Cruiser结实易修理,比起Land Rover唯一的缺点就是比较重,雨季的时候容易陷在泥地里。

Safari jeeps waiting to enter Ngorongoro.Conservation Area.
Stuffed animals in a safari jeep outside of Ngorongoro.Conservation Area.
Entrance of Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Dense vegetation in south slope of Ngorongoro crater.


Overlook Ngorongoro crater from its south side.

我们行程的最后一天将会下到火山口底部,所以今天只是路过。我们沿着火山口行进了半圈,中间路过Ngorogoro Serena Lodge,就建在火山口的崖壁上,可惜我们因为行程订的太晚,没有订到。在火山口的西侧,年降水量比东南侧要少一半,但是还是足够支持富饶的草场,青绿的草原一眼望不到边。Justin说这是坦桑尼亚最富的地区。

Western slope of Ngorongoro volcano
Overlook the Ngorongoro crater and Lake Magadi.
俯瞰恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口内的马卡特湖(Lake Makat)。这里是通往火山口底部的道路入口。
A Maasai village for tourist near Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Oldupai Gorge Entrance

奥杜瓦伊峡谷(Oldupai Gorge)的另一个拼写是Olduvai Gorge。1911年德国科学家Wilhelm Kattwinkel发现峡谷里的化石,却误把当地广泛生长的一种野生剑麻,Oldupai,拼写成Olduvai作为峡谷的名字。自从1911年被发现以来,从峡谷两百万年来沉积的岩层中,发掘出大量的原始人类的化石和他们使用的石器,为人类起源于非洲提供了最有力的佐证。

Oldupai Gorge


游客中心有个小博物馆,介绍了在奥杜瓦伊峡谷和Laetoli的古人类学发现。Laetoli的位于奥杜瓦伊峡谷南方45公里,在那里的火山灰化石中发现了360万年前的原始人类的脚印。这组足迹长约27米,可能是三个原始人类留下的,对脚印的研究发现这三个原始人类是以直立方式行走。脚印的附近还发现了其它动物的足迹。试想在360万年前的一个雨天,一头大象和三个古人类行走在东非平原上,这只大象一定在想,“这三个是什么怪物,居然用两只脚走路”。360万年过去,大象还是大象,而人类已经成为整个地球的主宰。当然那时的古人类和现在的人类还有很多不同,甚至还不是智人的直接祖先。博物馆有一张地图,描绘了智人(Homo sapiens)走出非洲的时间线路

Vegetation of Oldupai Gorge
Common Bulbul, Oldupai Gorge
Common Bulbul,奥杜瓦伊峡谷
Agama Lizard, Oldupai Gorge
Agama Lizard,奥杜瓦伊峡谷的彩色蜥蜴


Thunderstorm near Oldupai Gorge

回到B144,我们开始看到一群群的角马(wildebeests)和斑马 – 我们正在走进塞伦盖蒂大草原。

Tunderstorm over Serengeti
Zebras in migration near Serengeti National Park

Portland, Oregon

2013.8.3~4We arrived at Portland at early afternoon. We first checked into the hotel near the airport then drove into the city.

We parked the car near North Park Blocks. The city center around W. Burnside Street and downtown didn’t impress me. The street is noisy. The famous Powell’s Books is a very busy store, with a lot of books and a lot of people, but the surrounding still made me feel a bit run-down.

Powell's Books, Pearl District, Portland, OR
Powell’s Books, Pearl District, Portland, OR

We walked along SW Stark Street towards downtown. We had a cup of coffee at Stumptown Coffe Roasters and stopped by several interesting shops. The perception I had about Portland is quite different from other American cities I’ve been to, but I can’t explain what it is, the way people dressed, the style that stores are arranged, just somewhat different. It’s said that Portland is the new magnet for hipsters. Maybe that’s where my feelings came from.

A bike sculpture, Burnside and 13th Av. intersection, Portland, OR
A bike sculpture, Burnside and 13th Av. intersection, Portland, OR
SW Stark St., Portland, OR
SW Stark St., Portland, OR
Street view from Stumptown Coffee Roasters on SW Stark St, Portland, OR
Street view from Stumptown Coffee Roasters on SW Stark St, Portland, OR
Jackpot Records, Downtown Portland, OR
Jackpot Records, Downtown Portland, OR

We still prefer more modern styles. After asking for direction, we walked towards the shopping district. We had a rest at Pioneer Courthouse Square and felt that it’s where we belong to.

Light Rail, Downtown Portland, OR
Light Rail, Downtown Portland, OR
Pioneer Courthouse, Portland, OR
Pioneer Courthouse, Portland, OR
Street food carts, Portland, OR
Street food carts. (CNN declared Portland home to the world’s best street food).

We had dinner at Yama Sushi & Sake Bar in Pearl District. This seems to be a high-end section of the city. The arrangement of streets, stores and parks are well considered and organized. According to explorethepearl.com, “the Pearl is clear validation that high-quality, inner-city communities can revive from the ashes of urban decay”

North Park Blocks, Portland, OR
North Park Blocks, Portland, OR
Jamison Square, Pearl District, Portland, OR
Jamison Square, Pearl District, Portland, OR

We left the city by NW Fremont Bridge. Overlooked the city by the river from this direction, it’s lovely and alive. My original impression had changed.

The next day morning, we drove along the Columbia River and went to see Multnomah Falls. Only 30 minutes from the city, the park offers quite magnificent view of this two-step waterfall.

Multnomah Falls, Oregon
Multnomah Falls, Oregon

We plan to visit the city again before flying back home. However, northbound highway 84 was shutdown for road construction. All the local roads were quite jammed. We eventually gave up and had a lunch at Thai Seasons restaurant. One side of wall is dedicated to the restaurant’s mission statement writing on the blackboard, to buy local and to be environmental friendly.

We left the city at afternoon and concluded our 4-day trip to Mt. Rainier and Portland, Oregon. A short and rewarding get away.


Mt. Rainier – Paradise

2013.8.35am at morning, I didn’t gave up the hope that the sky might be cleared. Looking out through the window, I could see surrounding mountains clearly. Magic! I grabbed my gears and run out of the hotel, together with several fellow photographers.

When we got to the reflection lake, thick fog still dominated the lake. Another two photographers told me, they came last year and it was a day like this. Although the paradise area was clear, the sun hadn’t shown up until too late around the reflection lake. Pondered for a while, we decided to go some other places. 2 miles back toward the paradise area on the left-hand side, there is a vista point that is facing the mountain and overlooks the valley. No cloud, the light was warm.

Mt. Rainier Sunrise
Sunrise in Mt. Rainier

The reflection lake must be good now. We all drove back. Less than 10 minutes after we left, the sun has dispersed the cloud, only light fog remained above the surface of the lake. A short trail led me to the lake shore. It was perfect, I couldn’t ask for better conditions. I spent about half an hour around at the lake side.

Sunrise over Reflection Lakes, Mt. Rainier
Sunrise over Reflection Lakes, Mt. Rainier
Sunrise over Reflection Lakes, Mt. Rainier
Sunrise over Reflection Lakes, Mt. Rainier

I went back to the lodge to meet my wife and we decided to do some hiking in this beautiful morning. Nisqually Vista Trail is at the west side of paradise area. The trail is a loop and easy to walk, unfortunately it’s not as exciting as the Skyline Trail. The glacier retreats fast, there was not much too see indeed; and the flowers were not abundant.

Nisqually Vista Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Nisqually Vista Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Panorama view from Nisquallly parking lot, Mt. Rainier
Panorama view from Nisquallly parking lot. Clouds were still in the valley. Mt. Rainier

We decided to have a walk again between the lodge and the Myrtle Falls, the same section of Skyline Trail we hiked the previous day. It’s around 8am. The view was fascinating, but as the sun rose higher, the light quickly became too harsh for photographing.

Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Myrtle Falls, Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Myrtle Falls, a signature view of the nation park. The light was too strong already. Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier

We returned the lodge in time to catch up their serving of breakfast. We checked out the lodge at 9am. Our destination was Portland, Oregon, so we would leaving from the Nisqually Entrance. Not far from paradise area, we stopped by at Nevada Falls, and walked down to the view point. It’s a popular site and maybe the first attraction for tourists coming from this direction. On our way leaving the park, I noticed the clouds started returning to the park. We were really lucky to have a chance to see Mt. Rainier’s different faces. The final highlight was short but priceless.

Navada Falls, Mt. Rainier
Navada Falls, Mt. Rainier

Mt. Rainier – A Walk in the Clouds

2013.8.2I got up at 5am. My plan was to drive to the Tipsoo Lake to take pictures of Mt. Rainier’s reflection at sunrise. I sticked to my plan although there was no sign that the clouds would go away. Certainly, they didn’t and they were thicker than the previous day. I still drove to WA-410 and WA-123 fork, very close to the Tipsoo Lake. I really couldn’t see anything. I had to give up. At Lower elevation, it’s just a cloudy day. I returned to Ohanapecosh campground and took some pictures of the river under the bridge.

Ohanapecosh River, Mt. Rainier
Ohanapecosh River, Mt. Rainier
Ohanapecosh River, Mt. Rainier
Ohanapecosh River, Mt. Rainier

We checked out of our lodge at 9:30. We drove to the Paradise area through Stevens Canyon Rd. About half way between WA-123 fork and Paradise, there is stone bridge right in front of a tunnel. We made a stop there. The area is called Box Canyon. Under the bridge, the gorge is like a narrow and deep slice, the raging water is far below the bridge. The Box Canyon Loop a short hike that take no more than 15 minutes. The air was so humid (we were in the cloud) that it seemed one can squeeze water out of it. The fog gave the view a touch of desolation.

Box Canyon, Mt. Rainier
Box Canyon, Mt. Rainier
Box Canyon Loop, Mt. Rainier
Box Canyon Loop, Mt. Rainier
Box Canyon Loop, Mt. Rainier
Box Canyon Loop, Mt. Rainier
Box Canyon Loop, Mt. Rainier
Box Canyon Loop, Mt. Rainier

It’s still too early to get a room when we reached Paradise Inn. We knew the lodge has almost 100 years of history, but what we saw still impressed us very much. The lobby (The Great Hall) is huge and inviting. There are two fireplace and a lot of chairs for guests to enjoy this wonderful construction. We had a lunch at the restaurants and set off to explore the hiking trails of Paradise area. We walked Skyline Trail toward Myrtle Falls. Crossed the bridge, we kept on Golden Gate Trail for another half a mile.

Pink Mountain Heather, Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Pink Mountain Heather, Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
The creek near Myrtle Falls, Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
The creek above Myrtle Falls, Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Paradise Inn front door in a gloomy day, Mt. Rainier
Paradise Inn front door in a foggy day, Mt. Rainier

We returned to Paradise Inn and checked into our room. My wife decided to stay in the room and I’d have a hike by myself. I took the opposite direction of Skyline Trail, detoured on Alta Vista Trail and turned back through Deadhorse Creek Trail. It’s a nice day for hiking but difficult for photography. Dewdrops hung on every petal, but I could hardly take pictures on any flower 20 feet away.

Magenta Paintbrush, Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Magenta Paintbrush, Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Skyline Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Avalanche Lily, Deadhorse Creek Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier
Avalanche Lily, Deadhorse Creek Trail, Paradise, Mt. Rainier

I walked for one and a half hour and retired to our hotel. Nothing beat the feeling of sitting in the cozy and warm lodge, watching the gloomy weather outside and having a cold beer after a long walk.

Paradise Inn, Mt. Rainier
The great hall of Paradise Inn, Mt. Rainier
Paradise Inn, Mt. Rainier
Upstairs of Paradise Inn, Mt. Rainier

Mt. Rainier – Sunrise

2013.8.1I still clearly remember the view when last time we drove from Seattle city to Sea-Tac Airport 8 years ago – a huge mountain, standing by itself, dominated the horizon, bold and respectful. That’s Mt. Rainier, whose prominence (4,027 m) ranks #21 in the world. Mt. Rainier is also renowned for blooming wildflowers during the summer months. This year, we finally got a chance to visit Mt. Rainier in the peak blooming season at the end of July.

Our flight arrived at Seattle at 9am. We took WA-410 to go to the park. It’s as cloudy as Seattle’s sky normally is, but after 2 hours, when we entered the park, it’s getting clear. At one point as we passed Sunrise Park Rd. fork, we could see Mt. Rainier.

White River, Mt. Rainier
White River, Mt. Rainier

We turned right at WA-410 and WA-123 fork to Tipsoo Lake before going to the lodge. We stopped at one vista point to overlook the valley. Clouds were moving fast up against the valley toward us. We were not aware that the clouds would stay in the park for the rest of two days.

Tipsoo Lake is a lovely lake with tranquil water. The whole area was covered by wildflowers. A lot of Lupine, dotted with Pasque Flower seed head in white and Arnica in yellow. A hiking trail surrounds the lake. From the far side of the lake, one can photograph Mt. Rainier’s reflections, but as I was taking pictures on this side, clouds started moving into the lake and soon swallowed everything within. I didn’t have a chance to see the reflection, but the cloud also made this flower-surrounded small lake like a fairy place.

Lupine and Pasqueflower Seedhaed, Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier
Lupine and Pasqueflower Seedhaed, Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier
Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier
Clouds approaching the Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier
Lupine and Cow Parsnip, Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier
As we reached the other side, the lake had been immersed in the cloud. Lupine and Cow Parsnip, Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier
Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier
Tipsoo Lake, Mt. Rainier

As we left the Tipsoo lake, we couldn’t even see the road at some section because the cloud was too thick. We literally walking in the cloud, until we reached lower elevation, the cloud really became the cloud. We booked the lodge of our first-day stay at Parkwood area. Along Hwy. 12, Parkwood is not even a town. It only has a couple of stores, restaurants, and hotels, but the lodge we booked, Timberline Village, is 4 miles outside the area towards the park. We totally missed it at first. A local man asked us to follow his car and helped us find the lodge.

Although the facility is basic, the room is spacious with a very good shower. We had lunch at Cruiser’s Pizza because of the coupon that the lodge left on our room table. It’s maybe the only normal dining place in the area. The food is fresh. My wife said the burger was the best she had in years.

Parkwood area, Washington
Street of Parkwood, Washington

We returned to the park after some rest. The whole park was still in the cloud. We wanted to try our luck at Sunrise area.

Ohanapecosh Entrance, Mt. Rainier
Ohanapecosh Entrance, Mt. Rainier
Ohanapecosh Entrance, Mt. Rainier
Hexagonal lava columns, Sunrise Park Road, Mt. Rainier

Two miles from Sunrise Visitor Center at Sunrise Lake Point, the cloud was so thick and we could barely see anything 30 feet away. We had little hope to see the mountain at all. There were only a handful cars in Sunrise Visitor Center parking lot. The rangers were about to leave and the only thing they could tell us about the weather was that it’s unpredictable. As we were walking toward Frozen Lake, I felt the cloud lifted up a little bit. We decided to change the route to go to Emmons Vista. Gradually, the sun dispersed the clouds and the majestic Mt. Rainier revealed itself in front of us. For 20 minutes, we were walking above clouds.

Sunrise, Mt. Rainier
Emmons Glacier in clouds, Sunrise, Mt. Rainier
Sunrise, Mt. Rainier
Mt. Rainier in clouds, Sunrise, Mt. Rainier
Sunrise, Mt. Rainier
Sunrise, Mt. Rainier
Sunrise Lake, Mt. Rainier
Sunrise Lake, Mt. Rainier

Clouds soon reclaimed the Sunrise area. We were hoping the next day would be a better day.
