山城秋色 – Grand Junction
Grand Junction位于科罗拉多河与Gunnison河的交汇处,除了大川大河,周围有很好的徒步路线,市中心也是人气旺盛,以此作为我们这次科罗拉多赏秋之旅的最后一站,是最好的选择。
Grand Junction位于科罗拉多河与Gunnison河的交汇处,除了大川大河,周围有很好的徒步路线,市中心也是人气旺盛,以此作为我们这次科罗拉多赏秋之旅的最后一站,是最好的选择。
Last Dollar Road是一条从Telluride出发,穿越San Juan山脉,到达Dallas Divide的山路。以风景优美、道路曲折著称,是Telluride一带欣赏秋色的首选。幸好天公作美,有云雨配合,我拍了几张还算满意的片子。
Maroon Bells is one of the most photographed places in the world.
From Colorado Spring to Aspen, we didn't take the more ambitious road. The decision was right because we reached Aspen before dark and still got abundant photo opportunities along the way.
It's cloudy the whole afternoon when we were at the National Park, but the sky suddenly turned clear and the color was very sublet at sunset. Unfortunately, we have left the park and on our way to Colorado Spring at that time.