Islands – Aruba – Southwestern Coast

Aruba's southern and western coastlines are sheltered from the trade winds from the Atlantic, and because it is not on the hurricane path, Aruba offers the perfect weather around all seasons.

Islands – Valparaíso

"Santiago es Chile, Valparaíso mi Amor", but Valparaíso can be a dangerous place for first-time visitors wondering around the streets. Thanks for our guide, we had a wonderful day trip at this lovely city.

群岛 – 复活节岛 – 再见


Downtown Los Altos

Los Altos is a town that people always pass by, but it does have a downtown, a quite and lovely one.

群岛 – 复活节岛 – 采石场

Rano Raraku和Puna Pau是几百年前复活节岛上的原著民采集石材、雕凿石像的采石场。行走于这些或斜或立的石像间,立刻把人带入对史前远古的想象中。

群岛 – 复活节岛 – 日出日落


群岛 – 复活节岛 – 初见


Remembering Our Cat Dundun

Thanks Dundun for bringing us so much joy and many beautiful memories in these years.