秘鲁 – 圣谷

圣谷(Sacred Valley)是安第斯山脉中的河谷。它的气候适宜、土壤肥沃,是印加帝国时期最重要的聚居地,被称为是印加帝国的心脏。其人文和自然景观都非常值得欣赏。

秘鲁 – 库斯科


秘鲁 – 利马


徐怀钰 vs. Lady Gaga

有人说徐怀钰十年前就在走Lady Gaga的路线了,从打扮到曲风还真有点儿神似。

秘鲁 – 准备


Xoom vs. iPad 2

As I happen to own both Xoom and iPad 2, arguably the two best tablets in the market, I dare to jump in and give my views on these two products.

Santa Cruz Beach

Santa Cruz beach before the sunset.

Alum Rock Park

Alum Rock Park provides easy walking trails, green scenery and beautiful view of Santa Clara valley. With plenty of picnic areas and only 15-minute drive from San Jose, it is an ideal place for family and friends activities.