Michael Jackson: a genius, a cultural icon, a legend

I was speechless and felt so sad when I heard Michael Jackson passed away. The first time I listened to his song, ‘Bad’, was when I went to Xiangshan (香山) Park. A couple of 20-something youths played his cassette through the tape recorder. It’s like nothing I’d ever heard. It’s totally against all the rules we followed. At that time of China, his songs were often linked with something unconstructive to the society. Later when I worked part-time for my teacher’s software company, I heard his song, “Beat it”, first time from a CD player. The sound had never been cleaner or more striking, the music resonated through the long corridor and it is still hovering in my head today.

To western audience, Michael Jackson is King of Pop; to many Chinese, he opened a new world. Whatever controversies he has, no matter if they are true or not, in music, he is a legend.
