Iron Man 3
httpvh:// Better than the second, but still too talkative. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// Better than the second, but still too talkative. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// A lot of assumptions have to be accepted before the plot starts making sense. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// Stunning color, wild imagination, weak story. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// Typical action movie, non-typical Bond movie. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// Still sharp but lacking novelty. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// Time travel + X-Men. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// Coherent but boring, missing the edge of the original style. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// Uncreative, sometimes annoying, screenplay. One of best performances from Meryl Streep. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]
httpvh:// Good concept but aliens are too lame. Rating: [rating: 2.5/5]